Beaufort County Community College
East Carolina University
Pirate Promise
Start Local
With Pirate Promise, you can start your four-year degree from ECU just up the road at BCCC.
Earn your AA or AS from BCCC & receive guaranteed admission to ECU.
Just a few of the degrees ECU offers: business, psychology, communication, biology, and public health.
The BCCC Advantage
We've got small class sizes, caring faculty, and we will save you over $9,000. Students with a cumulative GPA of at least 2.5 in transferable college level course work will be guaranteed admission to ECU.
Continue similarly sized classes at ECU, where the student-faculty ratio is 19:1.
We're with you
every step of the way!
A Transfer Student Success Advisor from ECU will meet with Pirate Promise students at BCCC throughout each semester, working in collaboration with community college advising staff to help students create a path of transfer and beyond.
Get Financial Support
Last year the BCCC Foundation awarded over $150,000 in scholarships. Join over 1,300 other undergrads who transferred from an NC community college.