Beaufort CountyCommunity College
You Belong Here.
Small Class Sizes
In person or online, our instructors will build a relationship with you. Our classes sizes average less than 20 students. These class sizes can be a good transition between high school and a larger university. Our students consistently tell us that they got the help that they needed from teachers and tutors to finish their degree.
Start on College in High School
We have Early College High Schools in all four of the counties we serve. Students attend for five years and graduate with a high school diploma and an associate's degree. Career and College Promise is another program that lets you take college classes while attending high school. The best part about these programs? They're free.
Don't Go Into Debt
The average cost of tuition and fees at BCCC is $2,500 per year, about $4,500 less than a year at East Carolina University. About half of our students will qualify for Pell grants, which will help you pay for tuition and cost of living. Our foundation gave out over $100,000 in scholarships last year.
Keep Working While in School
You can work part-time while attending classes. Most classes over by 3:00 p.m. or you can take classes online. Our instructors can often line you up with employers in your field, such as hospitals or medical offices, to give you the work experience you need to get your first job after graduation.