a student in front of a car.
While many courses will now be remote learning, hands-on components of technical classes like Cosmetology, Automotive Systems Technology and Welding Technology will still take place on campus.

BCCC moves to remote learning for many courses

Due to continuing increases in the number of COVID-19 cases in our service region, Beaufort County Community College will move to an online, synchronous model for most of its courses for the Fall 2020 semester, which starts on August 17. This means faculty will broadcast from their classrooms at the regularly scheduled course days and times, but students will attend class sessions remotely using Blackboard Collaborate and other technologies.

The college has a technology relief fund that offers students free laptops and wifi hotspots to help them succeed during the 2020-2021 academic year. Students can contact Dr. LaTonya Nixon, VP of Student Services, at [email protected] or 252-940-6216 for information about the technology relief fund. Supplies are limited, so students should apply as soon as possible. Also, in order to better navigate the platforms such as Blackboard Collaborate, students are encouraged to complete an online orientation session.

BCCC is making some exceptions to this purely online, synchronous model. Career and technical courses such as mechanical engineering technology, electrical engineering technology, welding, cosmetology, automotive systems, and agribusiness technology and public services courses–EMS, fire, and law enforcement­­–will hold in-person labs, but will teach lectures in an online, synchronous manner, where allowed by the State of North Carolina.

Faculty in allied health programs such as associate degree nursing, practical nursing, and medical lab technology will use a hybrid format, meaning students will rotate in-person attendance on an established schedule.

Skills-based courses in the Division of Continuing Education that require in-person instruction by certifying agencies will be offered in-person with limited class sizes and social distancing. Lecture-based courses in continuing education will use either online, synchronous instruction through Blackboard Collaborate or ZOOM or hybrid instruction.

Students with questions about specific courses should contact either the Office of Academic Affairs at 252-940-6246 ([email protected]) for credit courses or the Division of Continuing Education at 252-940-6375 ([email protected]) for continuing education courses. College offices will be staffed in-person for returning students and new students starting on August 10.

“I sincerely believe that these approaches to teaching and learning will prevent the spread of COVID-19 at the College, while enabling students and faculty to engage in the meaningful dialogue and hands-on skills necessary for student success,” wrote Dr. David Loope, President of BCCC, in an email to students and employees.

New students can still register for classes. BCCC classes are affordable and transferable, so students can sign up for one class or more classes to transfer to other colleges and universities. New students should call the Admissions Office at 252-940-6237 or apply at www.beaufortccc.edu/apply. Returning students can contact the Advising Center to get help registering for classes. To schedule an appointment with an advisor students can send an email from their BCCC student account to [email protected] or call the Advising Center at 252-940-6353 for an appointment.
