Student Achievement

Beaufort County Community College uses standards for student achievement that are based on performance measures adopted by the North Carolina Community College System (NCCCS) and College-defined student goals. NCCCS measures are published in an annual Performance Measures report. College-defined student goals include graduation rate, course completion, retention, and job placement.

Measure 1: NCCCS Performance Measures

Basic Skills Progress Credit English Success Credit Math Success First Year Progression Curriculum Completion Rate Licensure Pass Rate Index Transfer Performance
System Excellence

1.216 1.174 1.204 1.063 1.094 1.073 1.031
Average Band Max 1.104 1.099 1.114 1.036 1.048 1.029 1.012
System Mean

0.992 1.025 1.024 1.009 1.002 0.985 0.993
Average Band Min

0.88 0.95 0.834 0.981 0.956 0.942 0.974
System Baseline

0.543 0.727 0.665 0.899 0.817 0.811 0.917

1.038 1.004 1.243 1.074 0.924 0.972 1.025

On an annual basis, the North Carolina Community College System (NCCCS) evaluates each community college in North Carolina on seven established state and federal performance measures for individual student success that are appropriate to higher education. These measures are as follows:

  1. Basic Skills Student Progress
  2. Student Success Rate in College-level English Courses
  3. Student Success Rate in College-level Math Courses
  4. First-year Progression
  5. Curriculum Student Completion
  6. Licensure and Certificate Passing Rate
  7. College Transfer Performance

The NCCCS’ State and Federal Performance Measures report is published annually and includes system-wide baseline percentages (for both credit and non-credit coursework) for each area measured, as well as the average percentage across all colleges within the NCCCS. Colleges are rated for each performance indicator as follows:

  • Met or exceeded the excellence level
  • Above the college average, but below the excellence level
  • Above the baseline level, but below the college average
  • Below the baseline level

Threshold of Acceptability: The College defines the expected threshold of achievement for each of these performance measures to be “within the average band. The rationale for this definition of achievement is to ensure uniformity across all measures and comparability to similar institutions within North Carolina.

Goal: The goal is to achieve “above average band” on each performance measure set by the NCCCS.

Outcome: Based on data in the 2023 Performance Measures report, as shown in the following table, the College achieved the threshold for acceptable performance in all categories except Curriculum Completion. Baseline levels are set two standard deviations below the system’s average index score and excellence levels are set one standard deviation above the system’s average index scores. The average band is within 0.5 standard deviations above or below the average index score.

The reports below are official reports released by the North Carolina Community College System. Each report details goals for student achievement and success of students in achieving those goals at Beaufort County Community College along with all other community colleges in North Carolina.

2024 Performance Measures Report

2023 Performance Measures Report

2022 Performance Measures Report

2021 Performance Measures Report

2020 Performance Measures Report

2019 Performance Measures Report

2017 Performance Measures Report

2016 Performance Measures Report

2015 Performance Measures Report

NCCCS Performance Measures Data Dashboard

Measure 2: BCCC Graduation Rate

BCCC measures graduation rates based on a fall cohort of full-time, first-time degree/certificate-seeking undergraduate students. The completion status for this cohort of students is measured at 150% of the normal time to complete all requirements of their program of study. Full-time students are enrolled in 12 or more credit hours. First-time students are defined as students who have no prior post-secondary attending any institution for the first time at the undergraduate level. This group includes students enrolled in the fall term who attended college for the first time in the prior summer term, and students who entered with advanced standing (college credits or recognized postsecondary credential earned before graduation from high school). Degree seeking students are defined as students enrolled in courses for credit who are seeking a degree, certificate, or other recognized postsecondary credential.

Academic leadership including the Vice President of Academic Affairs, Dean of Instructional Effectiveness, Dean of Arts and Sciences, Dean of Business, Technology, and Public Services, and Director of Nursing and Allied Health created the definitions for baseline and goal rates in March 2021, using the outcomes of the 2015, 2016, and 2017 first-time, full-time cohorts. The decrease in cohort size from 2014 to 2016 is a reflection of BCCC's decision to no longer offer student loans. Utilizing running averages allows for ebbs and flows with student movement through BCCC.

Threshold of Acceptability: The threshold of accountability is calculated as the average graduation rate of the past three first-time, full-time cohorts. Using a running average allows for ebbs and flows with student movement through BCCC.

Goal: BCCC seeks continuous improvement of educational programs and services offered and set the graduation rate goal at 5% above the baseline or 3% above the last cohort’s rate, whichever is higher.


2020 cohort

2019 cohort

2018 cohort

2017 cohort

2016 cohort

2015 cohort

2014 cohort

Total number of students in cohort








Number of graduates within 150% time








Graduation Rate








Threshold of Acceptability








Measure 3: Course Success Rates

Course success is defined as the percentage of students who complete the course with a "C" or better compared to the total number of students enrolled in a course.

Threshold of Acceptability: The threshold of achievement for course success is 70% across all modes of instruction to ensure our success rates do not fall below levels maintained over the last several years.

Goal: The goal is for at least 75% of students to achieve a C or better in courses across modalities, which is challenging yet attainable based on historical data.


Mode of Instruction 2018SP 2018FA 2019SP 2019FA 2020SP 2020FA 2021SP 2021FA 2022SP 2022FA 2023SP 2023FA 2024SP 2024FA
Traditional 81.25% 87.49% 80.95% 79.84% 76.51% 78.12% 80.80% 75.12% 84.43% 83.67% 74.93% 82.65% 86.17% 86.60%
Hybrid/Blended 83.05% 77.42% 75.74% 77.60% 74.33% 78.03% 76.67% 68.31% 71.92% 75.93% 76.90% 76.20% 82.14% 79.38%
Distance Education 73.02% 69.64% 74.54% 68.43% 73.18% 71.60% 71.70% 65.99% 67.20% 68.43% 72.40% 70.23% 74.85% 74.18%
Total Student Body 78.17% 78.68% 77.44% 74.94% 74.56% 75.02% 74.42% 68.24% 72.13% 73.08% 74.93% 73.23% 78.05% 77.18%

Measure 4: Student Retention Rates

Student retention is evaluated for students returning from fall-to-fall.

Threshold of Acceptability: Given the unique circumstances that students at Beaufort County Community College encounter with respect to employment, family responsibilities, etc., the College set the threshold of achievement for fall-to-fall retention at 60%.

Goal: The student retention goal is based on BCCC historical trend data and is set at 65%



Fall to Fall Retention

Fall 2023


Fall 2022


Fall 2021


Fall 2020


Fall 2019


Fall 2018


Fall 2017


Measure 5: Job Placement

BCCC serves many curriculum students seeking to earn a credential to directly enter the workforce, making job placement an important student achievement measure. Job placement data for BCCC is obtained from North Carolina's Tool for Online Workforce and Education Reporting (NC Tower), an online tool using information from the Common Follow-up System to provide aggregate information on students who attended public universities, high schools, and community colleges in North Carolina.

Threshold of Acceptability: The threshold is that 75% of associate degree graduates for the academic year will be employed in North Carolina within one year of graduation. The rationale is based on previous data indicating that a significant percentage of our graduates continue their education after graduation.

Goal: The goal is for 80% of associate degree graduates for the academic year to be employed in North Carolina within one year of graduation, which we have not been able to consistently reach in past years.

Outcome: The following table of data from NC Tower demonstrates that the College achieved the acceptable level of performance for all years of available data. Data for 2021-2022 graduates is not yet available on NC Tower.

Academic Years 2014-2015 2015-2016 2016-2017 2017-2018 2018-2019 2019-2020 2020-2021
Percent of graduates employed in North Carolina within one year of graduation 84% 78% 78% 80% 78% 80% 81%

Student Body Information

The link below provides statistical information about student body diversity, financial aid, college operation, and more at Beaufort County Community College. You can also do more research about the college using the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) data base. The data is provided by BCCC through the college’s annual reporting requirement with the federal government.