Presidents List & Deans List for Spring 2023
Beaufort County Community College congratulates the following students for making the President's List or the Dean's List for the Spring 2023 semester. Full-time students who achieve a 4.00 grade point average for the semester are placed on the President’s List for that semester. Full-time students who achieve between a 3.50 and 3.99 grade point average with no grade lower than a C are placed on the Deans’ List for that semester.
President's List
Marissa Acker | Cassie Harrell | Anderson Paul |
Macee Adams | Karley Harris | Nicholas Peele |
Madison Allen | Bryant Higuera Dominguez | Katherine Pollock |
Melissa Anglemyer | John Hinchey | Wendy Pone |
Lauren Armstrong | Renikia Hodges | Ava Poole |
Camryn Arnold | Nathaniel Holden | Allyson Potter |
Yenisel Bautista Hernandez | Amanda Hurdle | Rachel Price |
Hannah Black | D'Asia Hyman | Courtney Proseus |
Courtney Boyd | Caroline Jackson | Dasha Refour |
Mercedes Bright-Hadaway | Alexis Keech | Terence Roberson |
Olivia Briley | Brandi Keehnle | Lauren Rouse |
Savea Brinegar | Tess Keel | Kayla Rubio |
Madison Butler | Danielle King | Desttiny Salazar |
Leah Cahoon | Elizabeth Koehler | Bridget Smith-Butler |
Jasmine Cherry | Gracie Landeck | Dallas Speidel |
Ashley Coffield | Madison Lanius | Sabrina Stoddard |
Johnny Colbert | Kenneth Larue | Maria Stotesberry |
Michael Cowan | Madison Lecompte | Heidi Surguy |
Ellis Cullipher | Delaney Lewis | Randi Surguy |
Marion Denny | Rylee Lewis | Timothy Sutton |
Lora Dozier | Raphael Lilley | Catherine Tankard |
Connor Edwards | Hunter Linnen | Anna Taylor |
Malika Edwards | Isabella Mabe | Parker Van Staalduinen |
Nancy Ferrell | Jamie Major | Mandy Weaver |
Jessica Finch | Asante Marner | Katey Wekenmann |
Angela Flowers | Andrina Marshall | Andrew Whitaker |
Joseph Foster | Yumi Grace Matsunaga | Malia Wilder |
Jacob Fox | Dwight Mattocks | Ashley Williford |
Maggie Glass | Brandyn McClary | Kelly Williford |
Leticia Gonzalez-Ochoa | Whitney Meads | Megan Windley |
Grace Hardee | Shelby Molusky | Tara Wood |
Adam Harp | Jeremy Moore | Seleni Woodley |
Kyle Harrah | Naw Bee Be Moses | Ethan Yoder |
Dean's List
Clair Alligood | Jamie Formo | Mason Newman |
Lauren Alligood | Ruben Garcia Cruz | Nyira Nixon |
Carolina Andujar | Jamyia Garrett | Rylie Norman |
Jasmin Ayers | Chrishaya Gilliam | Sarah Page |
Amy Banks | Jake Gindoff | Danica Pugh |
Anna Barrett | Brandy Goddard | Allan Ramirez Jaramillo |
Abigail Bass | Jonathon Grant | Conetha Ramsey |
Christine Biddix | Jalen Hill | Macy Riffle |
Carson Bowen | James Hood | April Sadler |
Michael Bowen | Kameko Howell | Beth Sawyer |
Hunter Braddy | Holden Hudnell | Kelly Shea |
Makayla Brinkley | Shakiyda Jones | Gabrielle Singleton |
Chelsea Cadavid | Calista Latham | Crystal Smith |
Isaac Campbell | Brandon Leos Jurado | Steven Spellman |
Daniel Champagne | Antonio Lewis | Nicole Stroud |
Danielle Chapman | Taylor Lootens | Jonathan Taylor |
Staton Chapman | Douglas Lopez | Philqueshia Thomas |
James Cleary | Shannon Manning | Ashley Tomlinson |
Elijah Clement | Zyeir Martin | Chris Truong |
Theresa Clipperton | Aliyah McKeithan | Hailey Vargas Arce |
Hardy Corey | Amber Merrill | Candy Vega Gastelum |
Brianna Cox | Taylor Miller | James Walker |
Samuel Daniels | Joseph Mizell | Alexis Ward |
Naomi Davis | Megan Moore | Timothy Wolfley |
Travis DeMercurio | Sequoia Moore | Ashton Woolard |
McKenzie Edwards | Alondra Morales Jimenez | Lily Woolard |
Shannon Evans | Jasper Mosher | Xiaojia Zheng |
Ainya Fitzgerald | Jesus Munoz Segovia |