Students Graduate from Law Enforcement Academy
Two students graduated from basic law enforcement training (BLET) at Beaufort County Community College on February 15. Logan Hale and Mareena Wise were honored at the ceremony. Mareena Wise was a part-time student, having earned credit through military service.
Todd Alligood, basic law enforcement training coordinator, delivered remarks to the class. He commended Logan Hale for finishing the program, even as the other students in his class dropped off. The program requires dedication, which becomes even harder as the class size shrinks over time.
Military veterans who held a role in a law enforcement position in the military are given credit for some BLET training, but they must complete and graduate from the remaining training through a BLET program. As an U.S. Air Force veteran, Mareena Wise completed 220 of the 640 hours required at Beaufort CCC. Alligood commented about different approaches the two had to preparing for their certification, with Wise taking a more relaxed approach to testing. Alligood closed his comments with a George Bernard Shaw quote about devoting your life in service to your community.
Hale’s dedication paid off, as he was also awarded for having the highest grade point average (GPA) in the class and fastest POPAT, which is a test that measures physical skills.
The BLET program gives students essential skills for entry-level employment as law enforcement officers with state, county, or municipal agencies or with private enterprise. The program uses state commission-mandated topics and methods of instruction. General subjects include criminal, juvenile, civil, traffic and alcoholic beverage laws; investigative, patrol, custody and court procedures; emergency responses; and ethics and community relations.
Successful graduates receive a certificate and qualify to take certification examinations mandated by the North Carolina Criminal Justice Education and Training Standards Commission and/or the North Carolina Sheriffs’ Education and Training Standards Commission.
Beaufort CCC also has an evening BLET program that is currently underway. Students can have a law enforcement agency sponsor them, or the program is covered under the Beaufort Promise, meaning that students will have their tuition and fees covered. The program is now housed under the Division of Continuing Education, meaning that students should apply directly with the program instead of going through the admissions office.
For more information, contact Todd Alligood, BLET coordinator, at 252-940-6228.