People with an American flag
Members of WoodmenLife 623 donated an American flag and $2,000 to the BCCC Foundation for scholarships. They are pictured with Dr. Dave Loope, president of BCCC (left) and Mark Nelson, VP of administration (back, right)

WoodmenLife 623 donates $2000 to BCCC Foundation

The fraternal benefit society WoodmenLife 623 Washington donated $2,000 to the Beaufort County Community College Foundation for scholarships during the college's Legacy Luncheon.

Omaha-based WoodmenLife supports organizations that help educate children, support patriotism and US citizenship, and bolster better health. WoodmenLife also provides its members with insurance and financial planning services. Last year, its Corporate Social Responsibility Committee directed significant financial support to more than 300 qualified non-profit organizations – from Junior Achievement programs in schools and the Heartland Latino Leadership Conference to the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society and the Omaha Community Playhouse. Tommy Hodges, a member of WoodmenLife 623, is a former BCCC employee. He was instrumental in making the scholarship possible.

During this last year, the foundation awarded the WoodmenLife 623 Scholarship to Haley Whitener, an Associate Degree Nursing student from Columbia.

Activities of the BCCC Foundation are overseen by a 20-member board of directors comprised of civic and business leaders from BCCC’s four-county service area. The BCCC Foundation is a 501(c)(3) organization and all contributions are tax deductible. The foundation awarded over $150,000 in scholarships to BCCC students during the last year.
