Letter From Dr. Loope Regarding Transition to Online Instruction

Dear Friends and Colleagues:

Effective at 5:00 p.m. today, March 16, 2020, Beaufort County Community College will transition all face-to-face instruction to online instruction through the Blackboard learning management system. Each credit course section at BCCC possesses an online Blackboard site designed for just such situations. We are taking this action in order to prevent the possible transmission of the COVID-19 virus on campus.We will continue with this instructional mode through April 5, 2020.At that time, we will reassess the transmission of COVID-19 in our service region and determine whether to continue in online instructional mode. Also, we will postpone all continuing education courses that cannot meet in an online format through April 5 and reassess attendance policies at that time.

It is very important to understand that the College is not closing.The senior staff, some other administrators, and our facilities and custodial staffs will remain on a regular work schedule on campus.All non-critical function, full-time employees and permanent part-time employees will telecommute at least through April 5.Each employee will sign a Telecommuting Memorandum of Agreement that delineates expected responsibilities.The College Library will remain open for students but not for the general public, as will the Learning Enhancement Center.With the exception of nursing and allied health practicals, cosmetology labs, and Basic Law Enforcement Training (BLET), all other credit instruction will occur via Blackboard during the March 17 – April 5 period.For the few remaining face-to-face lab experiences, we will ensure students and faculty practice safe social distancing procedures (6 feet of space).

During this online instruction period, while the public school districts in our region are closed, we will keep open our Roper Center in Washington County and our Davis Center in Engelhard on their normal schedules.These sites will enable our early college high school students in those counties to access the computer labs and internet connections at those locations so as to continue with college coursework.Additionally, we will provide a portable computer lab at Tyrrell Hall in Columbia to provide access for Columbia High School early college students.

I realize how difficult it is to take these actions in the middle of the semester, and I want to thank all of you in advance for your cooperation, understanding, and assistance in enabling the College to continue operating during this unprecedented time.We have a mission to meet the postsecondary education needs of all citizens in our large service area—to enable them to better their lives and look to a better future for themselves, their families, and their communities.Let’s be that beacon of hope that we have always been for our region by persevering in this time of adversity.

Keep Calm and Carry On!

Best regards,
David R. Loope, Ed.D.
