a person giving a speech
Brian Kennedy will help small business owners focus on their core purpose and create action plans to re-energize their business.

Online workshops with Brian Kennedy to energize your small business

Beaufort County Community College’s Small Business Center has online workshops coming up, including the five-part Energize Your Small Business series with Brian Kennedy. Begun in 1999, Brian Kennedy Global encourages and guides clients to victory in their own life stories by becoming goal oriented, principle driven, and fundamentally sound in their personal and professional lives. This series is co-sponsored by the Washington-Beaufort County Chamber of Commerce. All workshops listed will be online, and they are all free. See the full Continuing Education fall schedule here. Call 252-940-6375 or email [email protected] to sign up.

Through Reboot Rebuild Recover, small business owners and self-employed people can also sign up for free advising from local professionals to help with a range of topics related to the COVID-19 pandemic. A few hours a week of advising can help businesses navigate relevant marketing, funding and bookkeeping topics. Contact Continuing Education to sign up.

7 Principles for Small Business Success in any Economy

In this workshop we explore behaviors of successful people and organizations that thrive in any economic situation. The seven principles include: Know Your Purpose. Develop a Philosophy of Lifetime Learning. Plan it! Do it! Review it! Do it Again! Communicate to Connect. Lead Don’t Follow! Build Business Relationships! Know the Lifetime Value of a Customer. Action Plan.

This workshop is part of the Energize Your Small Business series. It takes place on Thursday, September 10 at 10:00 a.m.

Grow Your Small Business at the Speed of Relationships

In this workshop, attendees will learn the purpose and benefits of relationship marketing, the principles of relationship marketing, and fundamentals to practice for success in relationship marketing. Your purpose. Principles of referral marketing. In this segment we discuss the importance of 10 fundamentals to achieve success in referral marketing. Action plan. Each participant will be given an opportunity to complete their plan of action which they can execute immediately.

This workshop is part of the Energize Your Small Business series. It takes place on Thursday, September 17 at 10:00 a.m.

Creating Lifetime Customers for Your Small Business

This workshop will discuss profit vs. profitability; four basic ways of generating customers, two types of customers, transactional vs. relational business; convert customers into your sales force; and an action plan.

This workshop is part of the Energize Your Small Business series. It takes place on Thursday, September 24 at 10:00 a.m.

Hiring Championship Performers for your Small Business

This workshop will discuss risks and challenges of hiring in today’s work environment; six significant areas require high levels of cognizance; before the hiring process begins, develop an accurate job description focusing on essential activities; establish clear criteria for job candidate selection; the 7 step hiring process; and an action plan.

This workshop is part of the Energize Your Small Business series. It takes place on Thursday, October 1 at 10:00 a.m.

Conflict Resolution for Small Business Owners

In this workshop discuss the importance of using emotional intelligence, perception, and communication as an effective means of dealing with conflict as a party to the conflict or a leader dealing with conflict. Points of discussion: what is conflict; 5 stages of conflict; how does conflict present itself; steps to resolving conflicts; and case studies.

This workshop is part of the Energize Your Small Business series. It takes place on Thursday, October 8 at 10:00 a.m.

Financing Your Small Business

Starting your own business is part of the American dream. You’ve given this thought, you’ve sought advice, and you are just about ready to begin, then you ask yourself: How do I finance my business; Who can give me good, solid, reliable advice; Are there loans/grants available to assist me; What should I be aware of; The economy is tough, I don’t want to fail.

This free workshop will be led by David Mayo, faculty member teaching in the field of entrepreneurship and the Director of the Entrepreneurship Center in the Miller School of Entrepreneurship at East Carolina University. It takes place on Monday, September 21 at 6:00 p.m.

Recordkeeping and Taxes for Small Business

Do you know your product or service upside down and backwards, but the numbers just drive you up the wall? Do you really work hard, but always seem to run out of cash at the end of the month? This seminar will help you understand the financial aspects of your business. We’ll talk about tax issues. You’ll become familiar with those financial terms that confuse you, but are the road map to your success.

You will learn what makes your business thrive and grow; what is a CPA and when and how do you use them; how to understand financial statements; what your banker is looking for; what federal and state reports are required; and if I made that much money, where is it.

This workshop is led by Keith Kidwell and takes place on Monday, September 28 at 6:00 p.m.
