a group of students in blue with teachers
Monthly law enforcement info sessions will help students sign up for the the Spring 2021 BLET Academy.

Upcoming law enforcement training info sessions

Beaufort County Community College will hold monthly orientation sessions for students interested in joining its spring Basic Law Enforcement Training (BLET). These sessions take place in-person, and applicants can ask questions and get help filling out their application packet for the Spring 2021 BLET academy starting January 6.

Interested individuals can drop-in on a session or contact Larry Barnes at 252-940-6228 or [email protected]. All sessions will take place in Building 10B, Room 101. Sessions will take place at the following times:

  • November 18, 6:00 p.m.-7:00 p.m.
  • December 15, 6:00 p.m.-7:00 p.m.

The BLET program is designed to give students essential skills required for entry-level employment as law enforcement officers with state, county or municipal governments, or with private enterprise. Some previous graduates have even gained conditional employment while going through the program. Students will get to practice vehicle maneuvers on BCCC’s new driving pad.

The program uses state commission-mandated topics including criminal, juvenile, civil, traffic and alcoholic beverage laws; investigative, patrol, custody and court procedures; emergency responses; and ethics and community relations.

Successful graduates receive a certificate and are qualified to take certification examinations mandated by the North Carolina Criminal Justice Education and Training Standards Commission and/or the North Carolina Sheriffs’ Education and Training Standards Commission.
