A student in front of a door
Prentiss Thomas earned a year of college credits through Career & College Promise while still enrolled at Northside High School.

Career & College Promise Night to guide high school students & parents through dual-enrollment

Having previous college experience can be a benefit to university applicants, even if those students are just graduating high school. Free dual-enrollment programs have become popular among high school juniors and seniors ready to take on the perks and responsibilities of college classes. Beaufort County Community College will host a Career and College Promise Information Night on February 9 at 6:00 p.m. online to explain the popular program to parents and students. Career and College Promise (CCP) offers North Carolina students a free jump-start in college or in a career while still in high school.

CCP allows eligible high school students to enroll in college classes at BCCC, and students who successfully complete college courses earn transferable credits that can count toward a degree. Students can continue to participate in high school activities such as cheer, band, sports and clubs while also earning credits at BCCC. Admissions officers at universities look favorably upon students who demonstrate that they are capable of handling the responsibilities of college courses.

In many cases, students can also earn dual credit, meeting their high school graduation requirements with college courses. Classes are offered to high school juniors and seniors through broadcast, online or face-to-face.

BCCC liaisons will guide students through eligibility requirements at the event and answer questions. To attend, visit www.beaufortccc.edu/ccpnight2021 at 6:00 p.m. on Tuesday, February 9 for this virtual information session. If prompted for a passcode for the meeting, please enter ccp.
