Study Abroad Heads to Mexico in 2023

The BCCC Study Abroad Program is offering a tour to Mexico in the summer of 2023, and applications are open now!

BCCC’s Study Abroad Program offers short-term study abroad opportunities that allow students to not only learn about new cultures but also earn college credits toward their degrees. Our upcoming tour is an 8-day experience in Mexico. Mixing learning with fun, the trip includes activities like kayaking through mangroves, snorkeling in the Caribbean Sea, and visiting Mayan ruins.

The Study Abroad Program also prepares students to travel internationally, sharing information about passports, logistics, money exchange, and cultural differences, so it is ideal for students who are new to international travel.

While the upcoming tour is not until next summer, the application process is open now. Students signing up for next year’s tour before April 27, 2022 receive an early-bird sign-up discount. Payment plans and fundraising opportunities are available for all travelers.

Basic requirements:

  • Be at least 18 years old by the time of travel (June 26, 2023)
  • Have at least 2.5 college GPA
  • Complete at least 12 credit hours at BCCC before summer 2023
  • Enroll in a course associated with study abroad for summer 2023 (HUM 180 or BIO 140)

Additional information and requirements are noted in the Study Abroad Manual.

For more information about study abroad and its upcoming tour to Mexico, contact at Suzanne.stotesbury@beaufortccc.edu or Dr. Chad Smith at chad.smith@beaufortccc.edu.
