Beaufort CCC Achieves Near-Record Enrollment Thanks to Beaufort Promise Scholarship
Beaufort County Community College (Beaufort CCC) saw near-record high student enrollment, a milestone made possible by expanding access to higher education through the Beaufort Promise Scholarship program. The college has successfully recovered from enrollment losses a decade ago when it withdrew from the federal student loan program. Instead of being saddled with student debt, students now leave with skills and credentials. This unprecedented surge underscores the college's commitment to providing access to higher education to the local community, and the possibility offered by free community college on a larger scale.
The Beaufort Promise Scholarship, initially launched in August 2021 during the COVID-19 pandemic, offers free tuition to eligible residents of Beaufort CCC’s service area, which includes Beaufort, Hyde, Tyrrell, and Washington counties, where it helped the college to very quickly recover enrollment losses even before the pandemic ended. The last-dollar scholarship program is funded through a combination of federal, county, and private funds, ensuring that financial constraints do not hinder academic ambitions. Students fill out a FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) or equivalent form, and college staff match the student with all available aid to completely cover tuition.
Between the start of the program in 2021 and the 2023-2024 academic year, 1309 students were awarded the Beaufort Promise Scholarship for either college credit courses or short-term workforce certification courses. The growth has been particularly strong in short-term training programs in the Division of Continuing Education, with those classes now comprising a third of the college’s enrollment from 27% before the Beaufort Promise Scholarship, with working adults seeking quick career advancement or changes, and individuals looking to re-enter the workforce with new skills.
Since the 2019-2020 academic year–the last year pre-pandemic year before the implementation of the Beaufort Promise Scholarship–the college has grown by 29%, the second largest growth by any community college in North Carolina. During the 2023-2024 academic year, the college had a full-time equivalent (FTE) measure of 2238, and an unduplicated headcount of 7200 students. This is the second highest enrollment in the last 17 years. The college, which serves the most rural parts of North Carolina’s eastern coastal region, has grown from being the 47th largest among the North Carolina Community College system to the 39th largest.
In addition to the direct recipients of the Beaufort Promise Scholarship, the promise of free tuition and fees encouraged hundreds of other students to apply for and receive financial aid, such as the federal Pell Grant, that they may not have otherwise received.
Dr. Dave Loope, BCCC president, expressed his excitement about the program's success. “The Beaufort Promise Scholarship is a game-changer for our community. By removing the financial burden of tuition, we are enabling more students to pursue their educational goals and achieve their dreams. This record enrollment is a testament to the impact that financial support can have on increasing access to higher education.”
One beneficiary of the Beaufort Promise Scholarship, Yasmine Davis, said, “I would say the Beaufort Promise scholarship was one of the many significant blessings in my life. It was an opportunity provided for me to have another chance of receiving a degree that I have always wanted to pursue and have another chance of further exploring my personal growth.”
Beaufort CCC has also expanded its training offerings and support services to accommodate the increased enrollment. New short-term healthcare programs, a boat manufacturing and service program, and a barber program have been added. The scholarship program has helped the college improve its retention rate, and the program seems to have impacted student success positively, as the college holds the second highest success rate for university transfer students among North Carolina community colleges.
Funding for the Beaufort Promise Scholarship has shifted since its 2021 inception. First funded through the federal Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund and American Rescue Plan, the Beaufort County Commission stepped in to create a more sustainable funding source. This funding, combined with private funding from the Beaufort County Community College Foundation, enables the college to cover tuition and fees for all service area residents with at least a 2.0 grade point average (GPA) and in good academic standing. The new Next NC Scholarship will expand a similar opportunity to students in all North Carolina counties for students taking college credit classes.
The average total cost per student has been only $698.
The impact of the Beaufort Promise Scholarship extends beyond the college campus. By empowering more individuals to obtain higher education credentials, the program is fostering a more confident and capable workforce, driving economic growth, and enhancing the quality of life in the region.
The success of the Beaufort Promise Scholarship demonstrates that free community college has community-wide benefits. Cost is not the only prohibiting factor, but it is a major factor for many students. The college understands that higher education can help residents overcome economic disadvantages and that investing $698 in a resident can set them up with a lifetime of economic security.