a person in front of trees

Running with the Wind: Southside Success and Future Nurse Jacob Taylor

Jacob Taylor is sprinting forward where the wind takes him. The Southside High School graduate and valedictorian heads off to the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill to study nursing this fall, having put in late nights balancing work, sports, and earning an Associate in Arts from Beaufort County Community College. By attending Beaufo...

a person with a laptop

Summer Classes Provide an Affordable Alternative for University Students

Beaufort County Community College is registering now for its summer and fall semester college credit courses. Students at a four-year university ...

Men of Success Attend Black Male Summit in Greensboro

Beaufort County Community College’s Men of Success attended the Black Male Summit in Greensboro, N.C. on March 22-23. The event was put on by Cit...

three people on a bench

Beaufort CCC Celebrates Women's History Month with Panel Presentation

In honor of Women's History Month, Beaufort County Community College hosted a panel presentation on March 14. The event featured a lineup of infl...

students holding certificates

Beaufort CCC Partners with Lifequest to Offer Digital Literacy

Through a partnership with LifeQuest, Inc., Beaufort County Community College has expanded services to offer digital literacy classes at the psyc...

people lifting a bamboo sculpture

Community Invited to Install Art Structure on Beaufort CCC Campus

Beaufort County Community College’s art instructor Tom Grubb will install a 70-foot sculpture made of bamboo and rope from 9:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m. on...

Three students in fire gear

Beaufort County Schools Partners with Beaufort CCC for Firefighter Programs

Beaufort County Community College’s fire training program will partner with Beaufort County Schools starting at the beginning of the 2024-2025 ac...

two people with certificates

Students Graduate from Law Enforcement Academy

Two students graduated from basic law enforcement training (BLET) at Beaufort County Community College on February 15. Logan Hale and Mareena Wis...

four people with their hand raised

Beaufort CCC Board of Trustees Expands to Seventeen Members

Four new members joined the Beaufort County Community College Board of Trustees on February 13. Three trustees were added to the board to expand ...

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