In the video below, hear BCCC students speak out on the importance of voting in their lives.
As part of a democratic republic situated in a global community, BCCC contends that informed citizenship requires commitment to civil discourse, civic engagement, and a respect for diversity among people and ideas.
Toward that goal, BCCC has partnered with NC's You Can Vote and the ALL IN Campus Democracy Challenge to educate and inform prospective and current voters in the BCCC service area.
Get Registered
Not sure if you're registered to vote?
Check your voter registration through the NC State Board of Elections Voter Search.
Not sure if you can register to vote?
How do I register to vote on November 3?
October 9 is the deadline to register to vote at your polling place. Prior to that date, you can download, complete, and print a voter registration form and return it to your county's Board of Elections office. Alternatively, you can submit your registration online via the NCDMV.
If I miss the October 9 deadline, can I still register?
Yes. One-Stop Early Voting will be available from October 15 through October 31, and during this period, you can register and cast an absentee ballot at the same time at multiple locations in your county. Find available One-Stop Voting sites in your county.
Get Informed
How do I know for whom I can vote?
In addition to the veritable flood of information available via traditional and social media, there are multiple ways to find out which candidates are running in the upcoming election. Some non-partisan voter information sources include:
How can I see a sample ballot?
Sample ballots are available for registered voters from the NCSBOE Voter Search.
So, how do I vote?
There are three ways for you to vote in the upcoming election:
- vote at your polling location on Election Day, November 3
- vote early at a One-Stop voting site between October 15 and October 31
- vote by mail with an absentee ballot
What do I do if I want to vote in person on Election Day?
If you are registered by October 9, you may vote in person at your designated polling place. If you're not sure where that will be, the NCSBOE Voter Search will give you the location and address.
What if I want to vote early?
One-Stop Early Voting takes place from October 15 through October 31 at select locations in your county. If you did not register by October 9, this is likely your best option since you can register and vote at the same time. One-Stop locations for your county can be found with the NCSBOE One-Stop site search.
What if I want to vote by mail?
In order to vote by mail, you must be registered by October 9, and you must request an Absentee Ballot be mailed to you by October 27. These ballots must be returned by mail to your County Board of Elections before Election Day, November 3. NCSBOE provides a number of tools to help you in requesting and tracking your mail-in ballot.
State Board of Elections
Voter Registration Form
Request Absentee Ballot
County Boards of Election
Voter Tools & Forms
October 9: Deadline to Register
October 15: One-Stop Early Voting Begins
October 27: Deadline to Request an Absentee Ballot
October 31: One-Stop Early Voting Ends
November 3: Election Day